Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To end the day...

Outside the home is a different story altogether....

The kids and I had plans to visit grandma. She mentioned making dinner. Dinner? I can't just NOT eat...can I? No, so do I take one for the team? Oh, I am not going to make it through the first day...

We arrive and she had fried WHITE potatoes on the stovetop, Fried pork steak sandwiches...WHITE bread. Oh, there was a jar of apple...butter. Three pieces of some kind of whipped cream pie with chocolate swirls from the freezer sat on the countertop waiting patiently. This couldn't be happening so soon!

Watermellon! I popped a piece in my mouth.

"I have to run, grandma..."

I asked to take my food on the run. There! I figured it out...I wouldn't really have to eat what she had made after all....

Not exactly

Long story short, lets say, I praise myself for NOT eating that dessert or potatoes. I did, however, stay long enough to be totally starving and did eat a portion of that piece of pork. Ah, but alas. I am human. Pork will be in my life, wont it? So will pie.

I accept what has happened today as a conquering of a mole-hill. Tomorrow will be another. I accept myself for being an omnivore...but before I sleep tonight, I will thaw a handful of frozen raspberries that are waiting for me in my freezer and eat them on a small amount of whipped cream and rest assured that today I was able to eat something GREEN, RED, PURPLE, and YELLOW.

I've proven that I CAN do this, and now the next step is to KEEP doing it, and do it even better tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. *p.s. (the purple eaten was a handful of dried, pitted prunes...[hey, whatever works])
