Well, last night, after two days of more water, more colors (not the best variety, I will explain) and less WHITE in my tummy....Something happened. The scale read minus 5lbs. I was really shocked that I would see a result like that in the evening...normally we all weigh less in the morning...
hmm....let's see what it will say tomorrow....
So I slept on it. Lo' and behold. The same reading today...actually, I could almost say it read minus 6 lbs but I wont get carried away.
Water weight. I'm sure.
Diet for the past two days I could say has been appropriate, but a bit bland. Not on flavor, but on variety. I have got to go COLOR hunting very soon!!! If anyone has any ideas on locations, please share!
I'm not gung ho' on weight loss. I am 75% focused on healthy diet alone. Yes, my body would LOVE to shed a few, so I am keeping that goal in check, but on the back burner. Why lose lbs when you are unhealthy...
Today, I went with slow cooking oats and cinnamon (with splenda...please, I have enough guilt that I am putting that into my body, don't rub it in...It's a work in progress) with 100% whole grain toast with peanut butter and nuttella (ALDI's brand, which is GREAT). Morgan (my 6 yr old) shared the same breakfast, but I sweetened hers with sugar. *small amt
I drank PURPLE cranberry juice to wash it all down. This all occured at 6:45 this morning...and I haven't been HUNGRY ONCE since!!!!! This is HUGE...huge...huge. Let's see how my body responds in an hour. Things are looking good :)
*p.s. mom was put on insulin for the first time as of yesterday. Not sure if it's all because of her diet....but that would be my best guess.
Current Physical and Emotional State:
21 weeks pregnant today
210 lbs (lost 5)
Feeling....more refreshed and skin looks happy today...feels happy, too
body is still fighting this autoimmune flare up....muscles are still weak.