Monday, October 3, 2011

How does this work again?

Past week nutshell:

Fell into a funk of sorts. Sort of good, sort of bad. Living in the country does not mean you are near all sorts of fruits and vegetables...not in the least bit. Actually, it is very much the opposite. The price of gas is a painful reality of how hard it is to make those trips to get those goodies that will in return pay off....metabolicly :)

How was last week? Well, interesting. Bananas...honey....prunes....a bit of salad....carrots galore, broccoli, onion...potato....

Lets sum this up in colors:

Yellow, Sugary Yellow, Purple, Green, Orange, Green, um...Clearish, White.

Yesterday, my body started to complain. I had to really think about it. I was craving bread and sugary stuffs. Why, why, why??? I have NOT stopped myself in indulging occasionally on whatever I wanted. I have PLENTY of whole grains everyday, enough to make a horse happy...what's my body doing?

I'm tired. That's it.

I've felt so good for the past week that I am almost sure that my cravings are a result of a need of sleep. I get my regular 8 hrs each night, but I am almost positive that being prego and taking care of baby and the other ten million choreson my to do list have all whiped me out. I think my body is saying,

"Either EAT or SLEEP."

I can't sleep when baby is asleep. That is MY time to get things done. Oh, what to do?

I'm going to guess that tonight I will fall into total exhaustion right after dinner. We'll see.

Weight: 212
Blood Pressure: Getting better